Hope Town Council sets expectations for new town manager

The Town of Hope is narrowing in on the role the town council wants to see for a new town manager. And what qualifications the town manager should bring to the office.

The council held a special meeting yesterday to discuss the job description for a new town manager. At last month’s town council meeting the members agreed to begin seeking to fill the town manager position, which has been vacant since December of 2018.

The council will want the town manager to provide weekly reports on town projects and the manager’s activities. The council also discussed asking for background checks including criminal records and financial activities.

Council member Clyde Compton also suggested rolling together the position of town manager and executive director of Main Street of Hope. But other council members said that that could be too much work for a single position. And Council member Ed Johnson said he would like to see the town manager be a resident of the town.

The council also agreed that the town manager should call on every business in the town at least twice a year.

The town extended the deadline to receive applications of the position until the March 16th council meeting.