Dr. Fauci is getting a “high quality” collectable bobblehead figurine made in his honor

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images(NEW YORK) — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, is coming to a store near you as a collectible bobblehead.

Says the Bobblehead Hall of Fame, which is producing the figurine, Fauci deserves to have a bobblehead in his honor because he “has become America’s voice of reason as one of the lead members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.”

The company continues, “This is the first bobblehead of Dr. Fauci, who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.” 

The figurine, which will stand a full seven inches tall, is certified “high quality” and is for pre-sale now for $25 bucks.  The bobblehead is expected to reach American doorsteps by July 2020.

While this is most definitely a PR stunt for the company, it’s also doubling as a charity event.  The Bobblehead Hall of Fame says they “will be donating $5 from every Dr. Fauci Bobblehead sold to the American Hospital Association in support of the 100 Million Mask Challenge,” to help provide protective msks for medical personnel fighting COVID-19.

Visit the website to see an oversized Dr. Fauci head bobbling on a tiny body, and maybe buy one to support a good cause.

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