Housing Partnerships plans affordable/senior housing project on Midway

Housing Partnerships is planning to turn the former Columbus Health and Rehabilitation center site on Midway Street into apartments for seniors and working families.

The agency asked Columbus City Council this week to approve a rezoning of the just over 7 and a half acre property from a public or semi-public facility use to Multi-family residential. That would allow the agency to add 64 units in a four-story building initially with another similar building possible. The city plan commission and planning staff recommended approval of the rezoning, citing the continuing need for affordable housing in the community.

Councilwoman Elaine Hilber praised the proposal for bring an affordable housing project into a location with public transportation and easy access to area parks, the hospital and employment.

Nearby residents raised concerns about the project, citing the size of the apartment buildings, traffic and the possible increase in crime in the area.

Columbus City Council gave its first approval to the rezoning at its meeting this week.