Landmark Columbus hosting Pump House event Tuesday

Landmark Columbus Foundation will be releasing its annual report and making a special announcement at a event tomorrow evening in downtown Columbus.

The organization will be hosting High Five Day at the Upland Brewing Pump House from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

There will be music by DJ Master Mix, snacks and drinks. It is meant as a time to reflect on the start of the first Exhibit Columbus, six years ago.

There will also be commemorative items for sale to help maintain the organization, including a “People, Place, Progress” lapel pin, matching the theme of the annual report. Proceeds from the sales will go to support the Landmark Columbus Foundation Endowment.

Richard McCoy, executive director of the organization, says that the special announcement will be about a way to sustain the organization for years to come. Landmark Columbus Foundation is a group that cares for, celebrates, and advances the cultural heritage of Columbus.

Tuesday’s event is free and you are invited to attend.