Mental Health Matters unveils new site for mental health needs

A new tool for online mental health help in Bartholomew County is online today.

The Mental Health Matters coalition announced the launch of the CredibleMind website and app for county residents at its annual meeting yesterday. The remote service is free and available to anyone in the county who needs it. CredibleMind is billed as a one-stop shop for personalized mental wellbeing.

Julie Orben with Columbus Regional Health explains:

Orben explains some of the features:

CredibleMind is an evidence based online mental health platform that allows users to take surveys to assess mental health concerns and then based on that information provide personalized services. The service is available via apps or on a computer.

The program operates through the University of California Berkeley.

The program is completely anonymous but a user can login and maintain their information, such as to provide information to healthcare providers.

You can use the program here: