United Way philanthropic society to help single mothers

A new United Way of Bartholomew County fund will help single mothers reach their potential.

The United Way is announcing the creation of the Women United: Funding Tomorrow fund. The initiative is a project of Women United, a philanthropic society of the United Way.

The Funding Tomorrow Fund is designed to help single mothers overcome barriers so that they can reach their full potential by helping with employment or stable housing. The society determined that single mothers may just need a small boost to reach self-sufficiency.

Single mothers who apply for use of the fund must enroll in United Way’s Avenues to Opportunity program or pay the loan back with no interest. Avenues to Opportunity assists individuals with job and life skills, such as budget coaching.

Women United started the initiative after group conversations led society members to decide to focus their impact on helping single mothers.

Donations to the fund can be made by going to uwbarthco.org or  https://www.classy.org/give/473893/#!/donation/checkout.